Annex DYork Health and Care Partnership


 Monday 20 March 2023, 12:30 - 15:00

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd


Ian Floyd (Chair)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Professor Karen Bryan


Vice Chancellor

York St John University

(representing higher education)

Sarah Coltman- Lovell

York Place Director

York Place H&NY ICB

Martin Kelly

Corporate Director of Children and Education


Rebecca Field

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health


Emma Johnson

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice

Helena Ebbs

Director Clinical & Professional Services

York Place H&NY ICB

Brian Cranna

Director of Operations and Transformation, NYY&S


Cllr. Nigel Ayre

Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects


Brian Cranna

Director of Operations and Transformation, NYY&S

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV)

Sian Balsom


York Healthwatch

Present via MS Teams

Melanie Liley (on behalf of Simon Morritt)

Interim Chief Operating Officer


Stephanie Porter

Interim Director of Primary Care

York Place H&NY ICB

Professor Mike Holmes



Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director of Adult Service and Integration


In Attendance

Anna Basilico

Head of Population Health and Partnerships

York Place H&NY ICB

Hannah Taylor

Team Administrator

York Place H&NY ICB

In Attendance via MT


Michelle Carrington

Executive Director for Quality & Nursing

York Place H&NY ICB


Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Debbie Mitchell

Chief Finance Officer


Simon Morritt

Chief Executive


Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)



Minutes – draft




Led by


Welcome and apologies for absence


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held on 20.02.2023 were reviewed and there were no matters arising from the last set of minutes and the Executive Committee.


Councillor Ayre declared a conflict of interest that a family member had recently started working for York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust.






Patient story


Emma Johnson started the meeting by sharing a letter from a family member of an individual who received outstanding End Of Life support, expressing their thanks and gratitude for good multiorganisational partnership work and personalised care. Discussion ensued on how to embed learning from this situation and continue the strong partnership working.



Jamaila to bring updates from the Integrated Dementia Strategy as an item to a future meeting.




Emma Johnson


Population Health approach to bereavement


Anna introduced the shared paper by informing that herself, Emma, and Sharon were working to create a whole city approach to bereavement as part of our work to make York a mentally healthy city and to support delivery of our Integrated Community Offer priority. In their research the data is assumed based of the death figures in the city. Negative experiences of bereavement can result in physical and mental health issues, and the York JSNA for bereavement highlighted that whilst there is a good range of support available in York and nationally, this is not sufficiently signposted or know by services.


Emma Johnson explained the recommendations in the paper and outlined that should the paper be approved; St Leonards Hospice would lead the work. The work centres on establishing a bereavement alliance which would aim to improve partnership working and remove barriers. Progress on this work will be brought back to a future meeting.


Discussion ensued on:

·        Different needs for different types of grief

·        Making bereavement support accessible to all

·        Support during end of life before individuals die

·        Support for children, young people and students


The board were supportive of the paper and partners committed to supporting a bereavement alliance




Anna Basilico


Emma Johnson


Humber and North Yorkshire Joint Forward Plan 


Sarah Coltman-Lovell explained that the Joint Forward Plan is the delivery plan for the Integrated Care Partnerships Strategy which was published in December 2022. Places and collaboratives have been asked to input into the Joint Forward Plan and for York, the Place. Informing slide was developed from conversations Sarah has had with partners and from work that is already being completed.


Sarah explained the six York Health and Care Partnership priorities and asked the board for assurance they were happy with them. The priorities align with the priorities previously agreed by the board but build on and reflect the guidance that has since been published.


Discussion ensued on:

·        Children and Young People

·        A mapping exercise to ensure the Partnership is aware of the boards and sub-groups that exist, to avoid duplication

·        Change in some of the Language

·        Expanding the Prospectus so it includes our offer as a Partnership


The board were supportive of the plan, but asked that some of the language be reviewed, and to see a business plan.



Anna Basilico to reflect partner comments in the JFP.

Anna Basilico will work with the York Place operational team and partners to develop a delivery plan for each of the priorities. This will be brought back to a future meeting.



Sarah Coltman-Lovell




System approach to 2023 winter planning


Sharon Stoltz delivered a presentation for feedback on proposals for a system wide approach to 2023 winter planning, also considering potential heatwaves. Sharon suggested that as a Partnership, we start to plan now for Winter 2023 with input from the whole system so that a plan is complete by August, and it is clear on where funding will be spent once it is received. The proposal is to develop an overarching system resilience plan in partnership, with the right actions in place to act quickly where necessary. The York Health and Care Partnership would own the plan and use existing networks to deliver the plan, using practice and learning from the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure strong resilience planning for the future.


Due to year-round demand it was asked that the name be changed to resilience planning rather than Winter planning which would also allow it to account for any adverse issues. It was agreed that resilience planning should form part of the Integrated Delivery Plans that will be developed for each of the YHCP's priorities.


It was agreed for Public Health to lead on the plan, and to learn from where communication went well during covid.



Sharon Stoltz to bring back update on resilience planning to future meeting.


Sharon Stoltz






York Health Protection Committee (YHCP sub-group update) 


Sharon informed that the first meeting would take place on the 28th March and she had received a good response for representation from different partners. The first meeting will focus on governance arrangements and the group would aim to bring together health protection to focus on the residents of York.


It was asked that some of the language be reviewed in the ToRs. The board were supportive of the group.



Sharon Stoltz




There were no items of any other business to be discussed at this meeting.
